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Eastern White Pine

Pinus strobus 



Plant a tree that will live for generations. With attention and care, Eastern White Pine Trees will live for centuries, especially since it thrives down to -30 degrees and acclimates to nearly any environment. 

Perfect for large, open spaces or under the canopy of taller trees likes Aspens and Birches, the Eastern White Pine is adaptable to your large landscape. It fits right into large, open spaces but tolerates most soil types and boasts evergreen foliage that shines year-round. And you’ll love looking at the snowy branches full of needles and pinecones contrasted against the white and gray world of winter. 

Plus, wildlife love the Eastern White Pine. Porcupines, red squirrels, snowshoe hares and so many more animals love the bark of the Eastern White Pine, so it’s well-suited to a graceful show in your own backyard.  


Plant your Eastern White Pine in a spot in your yard that gets 4 hours of sun each day. And choose a place in your yard that has moderate soil that isn’t too dry or wet. Then, dig a hole that’s large enough to accommodate the root ball, place your tree carefully and back fill the soil. Place a layer of pine needles or mulch around the base for moisture retention. Also, be sure the soil is firm after planting. If you can pull the tree out once it is planted, you need to pack the soil more tightly. 


There’s no need to water the Eastern White Pine unless you are going through a period of drought. This tree is very drought resistant. 



Prune your tree in winter or fall and keep only the branches at the top two-thirds of tree. This will help your tree grow straighter and become more disease resistant. Immediately prune any diseased branches. 

Growing Information DiamondLawnCare 
Mature Height: 50-80 ft 
Mature Width: 20-40 ft 
Sunlight: Full to Partial Sun 
Bloom Time:  
Growth Rate: Fast 
Grows Well in Zones: 3-8 
Your Growing Zone: 

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